Wednesday, August 08, 2012

what's the story!?

Today I hosted a lunch for 23 business owners.  Over fantastic food (thanks to Fahrenheit Restaurant) we had the privilege of hearing the stories of 4 different entrepreneurs.

 I'd booked a Banker, a Jeweller, a personal assistant and a school principal.  The brief I had given them was to share their ''why and who'' rather than the ''what, where, and when'' of their business life.  And so the audience heard about a person who understands and is passionate about finding financial solutions, a woman who creates precious memories, someone who frees up time for others, and a man with a vision for creating a voice for young people in our community.

It was inspiring!  The ''back stories'' of how each of these people had come to their chosen professions, what motivated them, the most unusual or memorable experiences they had had, the people who influenced and challenged them - this was what made them real.  No more were these names - worse still, email addresses - on a mailing list, or a business card on the table.

This process can be applied to anyone in just about any situation, but is particularly relevant to a career, or business, or investment in social enterprise.  Understanding what makes you ''tick''  - and being able to confidently share that, in person, with others - adds an element of personality that no blog, website  or vibrant facebook page can ever match.

So what is your story? Why do you do what you do? How does this impact on what you do?  Who have you told about it?

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