Sunday, September 19, 2010

stormy weather

An analogy for life, this mad and unpredictable weather we're having right now...the promise of a sunny day, invariably stolen and replaced with rain, wind and today, hail...
One week out from school holidays and I am desperate for the term to end. We have had a seemingly neverending run of tonsilitis, tummy bugs, coughs, colds, and nits. meetings here, donations there, cakes to bake for fundraising, newsletters to write, real work to do....
On the upside, the days are stretching out, which means (well, when the weather improves) time to be outside after dinner, breakfast on the deck in the sun, leisurely walks in the sun to the icecream shop...The children are becoming friends more and more with each day as they seem to get closer together in age (does that make sense?)...they are enjoying some similar activities, can play a board game or cards with proficiency, have scooter races, beat me at said card game, bring me breakfast in bed...
I read an old blog of mine tonight, where I considered the authenticity of my values - yep i'm still a bit of a plastic sandle and candle girl (I think that's kind of like doing semi-conscious parenting...), but i'm getting there. the vege garden is full, there's blossom on the fruit trees, the mending pile is actually almost non existent, there's a promising collection of books on my nighttable.

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