Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Could be me


Today I was teased for the very last time

And I ran from the room to write down this rhyme

To capture the hurt and to capture the shame
That I felt when I heard the crowd call out my name

You’re so noisy they said, you talk far too much
You mean well, we know, but it’s always a rush

You’re hard on the ears, and perhaps we could mention
How it seems that so often you don’t pay attention

Your voice is too loud and your hair is too wild
Apparently, both since you’ve been a young child

You know that we love you but honestly mate
Could you tone it right back - and try not to be late!

And as for the drama that dogs you each day
Perhaps it’s your own that gets in the way

It’s a maelstrom that enters the room don’t you know
And we feel like you have to be star of the show

Well…the thing that hurts most is that all of it’s true
I know I’m ‘too much’ - for me - not just you!

Perhaps I’ll be quiet, say ‘I’m fine thanks, and you?’
When asked how I am at the next public do

I’ll sit in the middle, and tie my hair back
So I do not offend, but blend into the pack

I don’t need reminding, I know how I am
And ‘good-natured teasing’ won’t help with this jam

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