I took the day off today.
Correction, I raced out the door, on time, did some errands, had a business meeting for one contract, whizzed back to the office (where I work for a different organisation) for a while, and am now sitting at my work laptop - scooped up from the first office - until my children return from a dinner out.
But it felt like a day off. Interspersed with all that I had tea in a cafe, bought a new shirt and a handbag, wandered around a mall, caught up with a friend at her house, watched Masterchef.
The work is still there, absolutely. The in boxes on both computers are full and there's a long to do list on both desks. I have two days ahead of back to back meetings and so I will be paying for this apparent lapse in productivity tomorrow and the next day.
But it was so worth it. It was a full and busy day, but not frantic. I didn't breath work, as I have done for days - no make that months. It felt delightfully naughty being at a shopping mall mid week. I liked feeling like I was being a truant even though it was only for a few hours.
Do you ever have times when you just want to shut down the computer and get outside? Or go shopping? Or hide with a book?
I'd argue - and I'd support a hardworking employee who agreed - that sometimes, the right thing to do is to stop. Just for a few hours. Regroup. Re prioritise.
Take the day off.
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