It is almost 5 years since my first blog, and this one counts as my fiftieth missive. (The picture of the coffee cup is deceiving - it's not me that's 50:))
I reckon I've had a quite a journey over that original intention was to share my wit and wisdom about small business and small people. It's been a moveable feast that's for sure. (oh and i even have been asked by someone to guest blog on a foodblog, a truly moveable feast!) I've become a bit more focussed and committed to posting of late, yet, (unsurprisingly for me, really!) still seem to find plenty to go on about.
Today, as I work at my computer, in front of the heater, a dull and cold day outside, I am feeling extremely grateful for my work from home job, my cosy house, oh, and my handy location to cafe and school. I need to venture out soon to the office (that's about 5 metres across my back lawn) and even that isn't very appealing, let alone the 200 metre trip to the mail box I need to make as well!
I love the culture of micro business, of philanthropic venture, and of downshifting. They all work for me. I had a wonderful time living in some of the worlds great cities (London, Tokyo, Christchurch:)!), and a sparkling career for a multinational. But given the opportunity to go back to that - not in a million! Sure, the money was great, it was exciting and challenging, but as I spoke of yesterday, I think I am glad to have those great memories as just that - an age and stage, possibly yet to be returned to, but probably not.
I live in a very small town, where everyone, literally, knows each other. Kids are in and out of each others houses. There's almost always time to chat at the school gate, or the little supermarket. Lots of people walk or bike around the place. We know all the dogs that go past, even the rubbish collectors are familiar faces. There's always something happening, something to join in with. There's a strong sense of belonging here.
My wages are, frankly, pretty tragic, but I like working for the organisations I do. The hours are awesome (most of the time), all my jobs are fairly kid friendly - that's the work from home aspect, and each role has an aspect of philanthropy and community wellbeing that really resonates with me.
I stand by my claim that one must do the things that make our heart sing. Maybe that's the job, the business, the career. Maybe having that job allows us to do the things that really make us sing when we're not at work. Either way, a sense of peace and satisfaction goes a long way towards making our days just that little bit brighter - especially on the cold/I've overslept/I've overspent/I've overeaten days!
At almost half way through the year, I looked at my list of resolutions and goals (the one I didn't publish here...). I'm doing ok as it turns out. I like having things to aim for, and I do believe that writing things down makes us much more likely to focus and ultimately achieve the things we want to.
Yep, at the risk of sounding smug, I'd have to say, that despite the HUGE highs and lows of the past 5 years and the total change of direction (more than once) I'm pretty satisfied with life.
Are you? What makes your heart sing?
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